Saturday, September 3, 2011

Practical Ways to Financial Independence

Every father desires for his children to be independent, one day. He rejoices to see how they become good stewards and make a positive impact through their life. The one who designed every aspect of our being spiritually and naturally is no different, in that respect. We have a loving heavenly father, weather we already believe in him or not.

Since we know we have supernatural help in this area, we might wonder how to get to the place of financial independence, if we are not already there. In this blog I want to elaborate on this topic every now and then, because I enjoy helping people enter into the freedom that was purchased for them.

What Does Financial Freedom Look Like? How Can I Get There, Practically?

Most of us know that the money we put on our banks actually helps the bank generate a lot more income than they give back to us in interest. What would happen if you used some of the money you have on your bank account to do something that is similar to what the banks are doing with part of their money? This would be called currency trading or Forex trading. The Forex market is based on the global economies of the different countries and their currencies. Until recently, only larger corporations and banks could participate in the Forex trading market. But the market has been opened up for everyone to trade on, not too long ago. All you need is a Forex broker who opens an account for you, which is similar to a basic bank account.

Since Forex trading can be very risky if you do not know what you are doing, you should either plan to invest some time to learn about the different trading strategies and analysis methods. Or you use a service like Zulu Trade, which allows you to link your account to expert traders and automatically do the same trades they perform in their accounts. This option allows you to sit back and relax, while watching the progress in your account every now and then, and make decisions about the experts you want to follow as your balance increases.

In your Zulu Trade account, you can configure what percentage of your balance you want to put at risk for the trading. A value above 50% enables you to receive the largest increases, but it also bears the potential for significant losses, in case the trader(s) you follow makes some serious mistakes. Especially in the beginning I would recommend to start with a value below 50%, until you get a feel for what is happening in your account.

You can open a Zulu Trade account with as little as 500 euros or 500 US dollars. Forex brokers like FXCM even allow you to open an account with as little as $50, if you want to get some practice with real money. In this case you would have to do the trading yourself, though. The best choice for practicing is usually a free demo account, which is offered by Zulu Trade as well as by the Forex brokers.

If you decide to go with Zulu Trade and open a live account, you would still need to choose a Forex broker, since Zulu does not do the currency trading themselves. They just send the trading signals to the broker account of your choice. I personally had good experiences with and I would also recommend checking out some of their free educational material and market updates, which are available on their websites.

I believe Forex trading may be one of the practical tools the Lord can use to help you fulfill the dreams and visions he has placed in your heart. In case you think I am talking about cars, houses, boats or horses, you are mistaken. The dreams God puts in our hearts are normally much greater than that, and, more significantly, they usually enable people to leave a legacy which will help a lot of others beyond their own lifetime.

In the coming weeks, I plan to continue sharing some background information about this tool. We want to learn how to become better stewards of all the resources the Lord has entrusted to us and the ones he is planning to entrust to us in the future. There are also a number of other great tools besides Forex trading which I would like to unveil in upcoming posts.

Please contact me once you are ready to open a live account for Forex trading with Zulu. I would love to help you choose some of the best traders or signal providers, to ensure you will have a great start on this journey. I also appreciate all the questions you might have.