Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Lie From the Garden, Part Two

C.S. Lewis' book shows a parallel event to the encounter Eve had in the Garden of Eden, in the beginning of mankind's history. The snake announced to Eve in the garden, that she would become like God, if she ate from the tree of knowledge - the only tree God had forbidden Adam and Eve to eat from.

The conversation we find in our Bibles is probably just a summary of a longer exchange between Eve and the snake. At the time the snake asked this question, Eve had already been tricked into believing, that she lacked something in order to be like God. The devil had fooled her into believing, God did not make her and her husband in his own likeness - they already were like God! A simple, deceptive lie was a foundation for this suggestion to eat from the tree of knowledge. Adam and Eve were glorious beings who looked, thought and acted like God, until that time. Mankind is God's crown of creation.

In a similar way, the devil and his colleagues are trying to make us believe today, that God is not near us or with us. He wants us to believe that he is too far away in order to hear us when we would communicate with him. But the truth is, every human being is as close to God as he wants to be. If you are a Christian, you have Jesus living inside of you, the so-called hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). It does not get any closer than this. :)

If we would believe that Jesus is constantly with us, listening attentively to every word or thought we send in his direction, most of us would live very differently. Let's believe this and do great exploits with God, because of our intimate knowledge and friendship with him.

Once we fully realize how close the Lord is to every one of us right now, I believe we would fall down on the floor and pass out for a while, like the apostle John did in Revelation 1:17.


  1. Can you let us know what kind of snake this was? I am led to believe that no species of snakes is known to speak, but I would be interested in what they have to say

  2. I personally believe it was normal for humans and animals to communicate with each other, before Adam and Eve became afraid of God's presence. In the report of the communication between Eve and the snake there is no indication that she was surprised about a talking animal. When humans turned away from God, their abilities became limited and they were not able to use their full potential anymore. Since they were the leaders of all other creatures on this planet, their decisions affected the members of their domain, as well.
    But we have a promise in the book of Isaiah in the Bible, that one day children will plan with the cobra and the lion again. I believe on that day it will be more normal to communicate with animals than it is today. :)
    Hope this answers your question somewhat. The snake Eve talked with could walk before it led the woman eat from the forbidden tree. Afterward it got cursed because of its wickedness and is now only able to crawl on the ground.
